● musk.foundation is not a foundation in the traditional sense
● MUSK is the content foundation of this website,
so the web address is musk.foundation
● musk.foundation is ...
➜ ... information
musk.foundation provides information and links to corresponding external information-, video- and product-pages about MUSK (alongside with much more MUSK designations), the musk deer, the musk perfume and much more musk designations
➜ ... independence
this website, the musk.foundation domain name and the associated forwarding domain names the.musk.foundation / themusk.foundation / themuskfoundation.com / themuskfoundation.org / muskfoundation.xyz / the.muskfoundation.xyz and themuskfoundation.xyz
are independent digital assets and not related to the
muskfoundation .com / .org domain names
and their associated websites.
➜ ... domain name purchase option
MUSK is the content FOUNDATION of this website, so
the shortest / ultimate / best web address for it is simply 'musk.foundation'.
This website, the musk.foundation domain name and the associated forwarding domain names the.musk.foundation / themusk.foundation / themuskfoundation.com / themuskfoundation.org / muskfoundation.xyz / the.muskfoundation.xyz and themuskfoundation.xyz
are independent digital assets and not related to the
muskfoundation .com / .org domain names
and their assoc. websites.
©2017-2025 the MUSK foundation